LVLP Spray Gun - Tips on Choosing the Best Airless Paint Sprayer

LVLP Spray Gun - Tips on Choosing the Best Airless Paint Sprayer

LVLP Spray Gun is one of those things that when I first laid my hands on it, I didn't know what to do with it. When looking for information about it online, I came across a lot of reviews and ideas from different people regarding this spray gun. Most of them said that they bought this spray gun for one specific purpose, which is to spray paints and other material over hard surfaces. But then, others seem to have a positive vibe towards it and say that it is very useful and efficient when used properly.

LVLP Spray Gun has two major components: the motor, which is the heart of the machine and the compressor. The compressor is also where the coolant is stored; LVLP Spray Gun uses an optional dryer hose for its compressor. It usually comes in two colors, black and blue. The black one signifies low volume low pressure (LVLP), the blue one signifies high volume high pressure (HVLP). Now, since it also has color-coding on the nozzles, it does not necessarily mean that it is a great spray gun, right?

Not necessarily, but LVLP has its own advantages and disadvantages compared to other types of paint guns. First, as what most people would probably expect, the main advantage with this kind of gun is that it uses a gravity-fed system. The system, basically, works by utilizing gravity for the solvents that are used for lubricating the parts of the pump. This is very beneficial because this is a system that operates at a lower pressure than regular systems, which in return makes the gun more efficient when it comes to painting.

But then there are some disadvantages with this kind of gun as well. One disadvantage is that as it uses a gravity-fed system, a bit of air pressure must be applied onto the pump for it to work. If air pressure is not applied, the gun will be useless in terms of spraying paint. Another disadvantage of this gun is that this is not a perfect solution, and that the best paint sprayer may not work well with this particular type of compressor.

The compressor part of this paint sprayer is also a little complicated. Not only does it take a lot of maintenance, but it also requires the need to maintain it regularly as well. If the air pressure drops below a certain point, paint will not come out as intended. If this happens, cleaning the air pressure can be quite difficult, not to mention expensive. This is why most users of this product prefer to use the separate LVLP air gun.

However, the fact that there are so many airless paint sprayers in the market does not mean that this kind of gun is not good. If you choose the right one, you will surely get the maximum coverage that you need, the best spray gun for the job, and even the lowest air consumption. Just make sure that you check the pros and cons first before buying one. It will surely be worth it. The best spray guns will make your job easy, safe, and fast, while allowing you to save money and consume little energy.

There are two types of LVLP guns: low volume low pressure and medium volume high pressure. The low volume type is easier to maintain, and it comes with an automatic trigger. Using this kind of spray guns, you will be able to fill just one can of paint with a small amount of paint, saving you money since you do not have to refill your can faster. Meanwhile, the medium volume spray guns use a small amount of paint but the result is much better than low volume ones. This type is more reliable when it comes to covering larger areas and painting with more thick layers of paint.

There are other kinds of airless sprayers on the market and all of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. Although there are plenty of options, you may want to settle for something that is easy to use and is reliable in the long run. Your choice should depend on what you plan to use the gun for and the space that you need to cover. Look for an airless sprayer with a compressor that is easy to maintain, one that is easy to use, and one that comes with a siphon feed. It will surely fit your needs and will serve you well.